Fire Insurance
A fire is a devastating event that can wipe out not only your home’s structure but your photographs, mementoes, heirlooms as well as furniture, clothing, cars and other valuable property.
We work extensively with property management companies, public adjusters, and property owners to maximize recoveries for property or home fire damage, business interruption, and losses under a variety of other coverage. We also assist in locating local contractors to provide loss estimates, testify at appraisal hearings and assist in the adjustment process.
How Can We Help !
If you have been a victim of a fire, we will fight aggressively on your behalf to get you all the money you deserve. If you had a fire in or on your property, and it caused damage, you need to immediately file a claim with the insurance company.
How Do You Know You Need a Lawyer?
Insurance companies are looking to save money at any cost, and your adjuster may cut corners to do so. To ensure that you receive sufficient coverage for the damages done, reach out to an experienced, supportive insurance litigation lawyer.
Our experienced insurance coverage attorneys in are available to provide an initial consultation, at no cost, to discuss the legal implications applicable to your insurance claims.